A Black Girl and The Sun: Solar Eclipses, Octavia Butler & Uncommon Favor

As your Resident Black Feminist, today I am reminded of Octavia Butler’s “Parable of the Sower”. Even then she had the mind to imagine a world that was far better than anything we could currently see, and she gave us language to cultivate and imagine the world we want. I’d like to think that she is proud of us as her daughters and sons that hold her words, “All that you touch You Change. All that you Change, Changes you. The only lasting truth is Change. God is Change.” She wrote and wrote and wrote. Handwritten notes and numerous pieces of paper and notebooks. If you ask me, she wrote herself free. Wrote herself into her destiny, using pen and paper to indeed change. 


This eclipse is supposed to point to a shift from one world to the next. Not only will it shift before our eyes, but there needs to be a shift in our minds and hearts. The revolution is not just one of physical transformation but one in spirit as well. As God’s vanguard we must continue to keep our eyes on God’s kingdom but also forward focused on evolving our way of being into one that is rooted in love, spirit led and grace filled.

The Government gone tell us one thing, the church gone tell you another. Every healer and new age person also has some insight to share with you/us…so what do you and I actually need to do today?

For those of you who feel like the rose colored glasses are being yanked off of your face and you are seeing things for what they are for the first time, I’m excited for you. While I am excited for y'all,  I also hold space for compassion. Whether your glasses have come off by force or by choice it still can be very jarring and disorienting. I encourage you to hold space for your own sadness and difficult feelings as well. No pressure and no rush. Allow God to comfort you as you journey. You are where you are supposed to be. Keep your heart and mind open and allow God to pour into you. To cover and protect you during this time on your journey. Ask God the big scary questions and wait with expectancy for the answers. If you feel the need to shift from one way of life to a new one…trust that God is guiding you to your highest good. Spend time in prayer and meditation today….God will speak. Listen with all of your senses and keep your eyes out for signs and confirmation. 

This is a time for stillness, reflection, inner work, praying, meditating, spending time in nature, surrounding yourselves with your loved ones, being alert and staying aware. For those of us who have been on this journey….now is NOT the time to switch it up or deviate from the course that we are already on. Now is also not the time for us to be distracted by things and people that no longer serve our highest good. As we have started healing, growing and evolving we have already begun to set a new course in our lives where our actions and intentions are aligning with God's will for our lives. God is showing us right now how “All things working for our Good” looks 

in real time not just in this physical world but the spiritual one. I’ve said this many times …..The universe and everything in it is but a tool that God uses to bring about God’s will…..a total solar eclipse is no exception. 

Keep it simple and do what you know. For me that looks like doing the very same things I have been working on over the last year. With so much talk about the Solar Eclipses, Retrogrades, Beginning of Spring and all the other Amazing, out of this world, only God can do phenomena happening…you would think this is the time to pick up something new, run vigorously towards your goals…produce and perform. NOT!!! Please don't…your energy could be spent so much more wisely during this time. 

Truly today’s eclipse will be whatever you make it, think it to be. If you move from a place of positivity, peace, love and gratitude that is what you will sow during this time. If you move through today from a place of fear, panic, doubt and anger that will be the seed you plant and the place from which this next journey will grow. Whatever you sow you will reap. 

2 final notes before we wrap this up, because Black Women gave me all the inspiration and courage not only for what's on the other side of the eclipse but even in constructing my offering for today ...and if you know me, I'll keep talking :)

1.Jedidiah Isler 

I was walking through the living room to cook breakfast yesterday when I was stopped dead in my tracks…A Black Woman with full lips, round cheeks, brown skin and natural hair was on the newscast detailing at an expert level the Total Solar Eclipse. Next to her name was “Astrophysicists”. My heart was so full because she looked like me and I could see myself and all the other Black Girls who would look up to the stars and couldn’t imagine much more. To go from looking at the stars to becoming prolific in the discourse is nothing but 

2.“Uncommon Favor” - Dawn Staley

The day before the Solar Eclipse Dawn Staley went on to coach the undefeated South Carolina Gamecocks to a NCAA Championship game and in between the tears and praising God I heard her say it. Uncommon Favor…the kind that would leave us astonished because couldn’t nobody do it but God. We all got to witness in real time when your personal actions and intentions align with God’s ASTRONOMICAL plan for your life. 

I am inspired and charged up today. What's taking place today has been written before mankind ever had language. This is one of the inevitable occurrences of our lifetime. 

May the Eclipse be good to you. Ushering in exactly what you are working towards, exactly what God has for you.

I end this with immense gratitude and a feeling of deep love and appreciation. For God. The Universe. The stars, galaxies, animals, plants, trees, oceans, planets and skies. For Brilliant Black Women who continue to exceed the limitations of this world. For breath, life and every opportunity to press forward. For you. For us. For the babies. For myself. For Our Ancestors. For our past. For our Present. For the Future. For all good things. Always and in All Ways.

Love, Light & Peace,

Your Resident Black Feminist